
5 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Food For Thought – here are two very interesting side-by-side articles about 3 1/2 years apart about front yard gardening in Orlando, FL. The story not told is how the beautiful gardens celebrated in the Huff Post piece (now) were largely made possible by the “guerrilla gardener” highlighted in the NYTimes (Dec. 2012) piece and presumably, some policy action take by the City of Orlando. Floridians,

    Let’s all think about digging a little a deeper into these connections and possibly help people see how important local food policy is to urban food production and sustainability.



    (Extracted from an email from Mark Winne to the FLFPC)

    Robert Kluson


  2. Here are some links to articles about food-system activities in New Port Richey and Pasco County . The first is By Laura Reiley in the Tampa Bay Times: http://www.tampabay.com/features/food/general/urban-farming-takes-root-in-new-port-richey-front-yards/2317461

    Besides Laura’s great article about the initiatives in New Port Richey, here are a couple of other related articles:

    The first is about Pasco County’s urban farm ordinance, and other two are about our one-of-a-kind Florida Loquat Festival (April 8). The festival is another part of the tapestry of urban agrarianism and consciousness of place we are weaving in New Port Richey.

    Here are some more recent articles:





    TB TIMES editorial endorsement of Urban Agrarianism in NPR


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